People Over 55Please take a few minutes to watch these videos and learn about the valuable advantages they explain. My business is helping people save, grow and protect their money. If you would like to learn more or ask specific questions please let me know by contacting me today.
Annuity Primer
When you think about your retirement, do you worry that you might run out of money? That you might outlive your savings. Or that your investments might not last as long as you do? If you live to 100 or beyond, will there still be enough for you to live independently? Watch this video to learn how you can use a Medicare Savings Account to help avoid running out of money.
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Pension MaximizationWhen you are ready to retire but before you begin your pension payout, you will need to decide if you want benefits paid only to you for as long as you live, known as a “single life” payout; or to both you and your spouse for as long as you both live, known as a “joint life” payout. Watch this video to learn how you can maximize your pension during retirement.
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Income Annuity (SPIA)The money we keep in a 401k, 403b, or IRA is typically charged fees of 1-2% for administrative services and management expenses in any given year. It may not seem like much but those deductions can be very costly because every 1% we payout in fees each year will leave us with 20-30% less money at retirement potentially costing us hundreds or thousands of dollars a month during retirement. Watch this video to learn how an IRA rollover can be your solution.
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Withdrawal GuaranteeIf you are approaching retirement or already retired, and you are looking for the highest and surest way to withdraw money from your retirement savings, watch this video to learn how you can get guaranteed fixed income withdrawals for as long as you live, and without the risk of running out of money.
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